
Showing posts from January, 2019

How To GET Your Life Back Together - Dopamine Fast 8-3-2019

If you're struggling to find motivation to get things in order, this "Dopamine Fast" video explains why. Here are some suggestions for the Dopamine Fast technique, as told by Top Think: Allow 1 day for zero dopamine release by fasting. Here are the rules : ELIMINATE: Food Phone Internet, Social Media, Videos, Netflix TV Movies Music Video games Substances: alcohol, caffeine, drugs, nicotine Friends Talking All sexual activity Reading Books: fiction or non-fiction ALLOWED: Walk outside Meditate Drink Water Write in a journal Here's why it works. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter for seeking rewards. It provides us with motivation. When we allow ourselves to be rewarded too much, we no longer seek the rewards. By dopamine fasting, we reset the transmitters, thus revving up our potential to "go out and get it." Dopamine also masks pain. It's important to uncover our pain-points & problems so we know what obstacles we need to...